What you didn’t know about Glass?
Glass Manufacturing which started during ancient times was primarily used for decorative purposes. Soon glass has been an intricate part of our lives. A part from being a decorative object, it had applications in building construction, weapons, telecommunications, ammunition, automotive and transport etc. Demand for glass has been growing every day. We see usage of glass in every walk of life, right from packaging to tableware to interiors to fiber optics. Though there are many innovative usages of glass, the implications of breakage have always been a concern. Innovation in the glass industry majorly focused on making the glass safe and at the same time retain the flexibility towards decorativeness. In the process of evolution, different types of glass have found place in the market which served various purposes. In recent times, Glass has occupied a major market share with its usage in large constructions, interiors and high security units etc. Below are a few typical fe...